Tipico grows and is one step ahead

The Masini is a Fonni family, who for three generations have kept and carried on the Sardinian tradition of baked goods, sweet and savory, through the Tipico brand.
Despite the well-known events that have marked the lives of everyone, and especially the habits of consumers, 2020 has definitively opened up the opportunity for new markets, recording a commercial turning point for those who have been ready and reactive to change you could not have expected so quickly. The entire agri-food sector benefited from it, in particular the confectionery sector, and it is in this context that the company’s goal should be analyzed. Thanks to the traditional offline network and the increasingly decisive online channel, during such a difficult time, Tipico recorded a net increase in turnover and sales of around 40%.
An excellent result which, for Tipico’s management, is confirmation that the important marketing actions carried out in recent years have been a well-considered investment, to be further strengthened. The credit goes above all to the young generation of the family, a generation of professionals who, after training away from home, decided to return to Fonni to contribute their skills and a new vision to the development of traditional products.
Tradition and innovation. These are the keywords with which the whole Tipico philosophy can be summarized; inseparable concepts that underly its success and that saw the boom in 2020 with record numbers. The Savoiardone di Sardegna, the softer and larger local variant of the classic Savoyard biscuit, the cornerstone of Italian pastry, always driving the wholesale.
Together with Savoiardone di Sardegna, to benefit from the brand’s performance, there are the best known Sardinian food specialties: baked goods such as Pane Carasau, Pane Guttiau, Galletteddas. 2021 will also see the launch of new products designed by the research and development department, always careful to intercept market trends and the evolution of tastes. New simple proposals have been added to the extraordinary shelf marked “Tipico – La Buona Sardegna”, made of products with strong territorial characteristics but with an international taste.
The new packaging line comes from a careful analysis of consumer tastes and behaviors and is characterized by a fresh and clean graphic design. Traditional elements are re-proposed in a modern key. The product is made more attractive through transparency and service suggestion becomes more evident with photos and explanatory recipes.
Since it is not possible to participate in B2B fairs and events due to the pandemic, Tipico invests in virtual events, both Italian and foreign. The company also aims to strengthen its presence on the shelves of large and small distribution, always paying attention to the presentation of the product through positioning and shelf marketing. Currently, online marketing and sales return great satisfaction from all channels where the Christmas proposals and the use of influencer marketing have made it possible to reach a new range of consumers.
The first months of 2021 have already confirmed the previous period’s positive trend, a sign that there is still ample room for development. The appreciation of the end customer is excellent that does not require explanations. In addition, the company was recently included among the “100 Italian Excellencies” selected by Forbes magazine. The second-quarter media plan aims to support competitiveness through emotional commercials on national networks, coordinated with ads on the web and in print.
The commitment of the Masini family can be summed up in the “here and now”. A time that flows slowly in Sardinia and offers a lifestyle suited to the longevity of its inhabitants. Time to devote to the choice and processing of quality raw materials. Time allocated for after-sales and customer care. Time in which to consume the different products of the brand.
So will time be the leitmotif of Tipico’s communication?